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Why I Love Copywriting & Why You Should Too!

Happy Valentine’s Day! What do you do to celebrate this holiday? We keep it fairly simple in our home; we are not the "over-the-top" kind of people when it comes to celebrating holidays and special occasions. I buy or make Valentine’s cards for my family, and I prepare a special meal to say, "I love you." My hubby buys candy for everyone because sweets are his thing! And my teens? Well, they are just glad to get some candy!

On Valentine’s Day, I also take time to reflect on other things in my life that I love, such as rowdy game nights, long walks in the woods, and reading books by the fire. This year, upon reflection, I have to add copywriting to that list. Yes, copywriting is my newest passion!

Copywriting, and writing in general, can be a dreaded chore for so many people, yet I find it to be a truly rewarding experience. Why? I think it’s because it combines so many of my favorite things and puts them all in one neat package that makes people feel better.

Copywriting doesn't just pay the bills; it improves people's lives, which is why I think you should love copywriting just as much as I do!

Reason #1 - Copywriting Helps People

I love that copywriting gives me an opportunity to help people. It’s why I went into the fields of psychology and education long before I went into the field of copywriting. Helping people is in my DNA—I get it from my parents, who were always the first ones to reach out to help someone in need. Directly, or indirectly, they instilled within me a desire to "Make it Better."

As a therapist, I could help "Make it Better" with the right questions, answers, and support. As a teacher, I could "Make it Better" with well-thought-out lesson plans and relentless enthusiasm for learning about the world. As a copywriter, I can help "Make it Better" by taking stress and work off of your plate. I'll save you time & money while connecting you to your customers. It’s a win-win-win for everyone!

Reason #2- Copywriting is Co-Operative

I’m a people person. I enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories. I love learning where people have come from, where they’ve traveled to, and what brought them to this moment in life. I also love learning from the people I meet. They always have something to share that teaches me how to experience life in new ways.

As a copywriter, I have countless opportunities to meet new people, learn about their businesses, and work hand-in-hand with them to accomplish their goals.

In fact, it’s why I named my business "Hand-in-Hand Copy." I wanted to highlight the cooperative nature of what I do because good copywriting does NOT happen in a vacuum—it is a partnership that grows over time.

Reason #3- Copywriting Involves Research

I love learning new things. I always have. I’m a proud nerd from way back in the days before the internet made being a nerd cool.

I was the kid who did essays in 4th grade for fun as a treat for getting my work done early. Yep, I was the kid who thought going to the library to research anything I wanted to, and then write an essay about it, was a good time.

That love of learning never stopped—it only grew over the years. Now, as a copywriter, my love of research has truly found its home.

Every new client I meet has a different industry that I need to learn about before I can begin writing. It’s a dream come true for a little nerd like me!

My love of research means that clients will get the most relevant and timely copy with very little time taken out of their schedules. They hand off a project to me, and I return it later with results. I think we can count that as another win-win, don’t you?

Reason #4- Copywriting Involves Writing

OK, this one seems obvious, and it is. Why else would I be drawn to copywriting if I didn’t already love writing? This occupation is filled with people who wrote for fun before they became copywriters. And, to be frank, most of us still write for fun on the side as well. You might call us, "Obsessed With Writing."

Take me, for example. Research papers weren't the only things I loved writing before I became a copywriter—I loved writing poems and short stories as well. In my previous careers, I jumped on projects that involved writing whenever I could, growing my skills over the years without realizing it.

Brochures? Yes, please!

Manuals? No problem!

Websites? My pleasure!

Product Descriptions? Easy Peasy!

Newsletters? All-day long, every day!

You name it, I’ve probably written it at least once. And now that I have copywriting training under my belt, I can do them all with my eyes closed. OK, maybe not closed, but I certainly have a firmer grasp on how to structure a piece of writing so that it will perform as intended. Toss me a challenge, I’m ready to take it on!

Reason # 5- Copywriting Involves Editing

I know that most people probably have this task on their list of "Top 5 Most Hated Activities," right under toilet cleaning, but not me. I love editing. I really do.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love writing, but editing is its own special challenge. I have to apply all the rules of grammar and copywriting to every piece of writing I send out. It’s like a "Where’s Waldo" game looking for mistakes. What’s wrong here? What goes here? What needs to be eliminated?

When I have a piece of writing to edit, I rejoice in the challenge of "Make it Better." I will edit and edit until I feel that it’s squeaky clean and shining bright. No bad copy will be sent out into the world on my watch! Only value-packed, tightly-written copy designed to accomplish your goals!

Reason #6- Copywriting Gives Value

I love the fact that copywriting gives value and positively impacts the community at large. Yes, this connects with my desire to help people. When your project goes live and does well, your business grows, making you feel more financially and emotionally secure. When your customers have their problems solved with your product or service, they feel relieved and happy. When I learn of the positive results of my work, I feel fulfilled deep within my soul.

Completing a project for a client is not just a paycheck for me, it's a chance to be a part of something bigger than myself. What an honor!

If you would like to know how copywriting can help your business or organization, let me know! Free 20-minute consultations are always available. We’ll discuss your business, your goals, your challenges, and how we solve them with copywriting projects.

Don’t worry, you won’t get any sales pressure from me, just a conversation about your business and how I can help. At the very least, you’ll walk away with a few tips under your belt and a fresh appreciation for the power of copywriting!

Welcome to my blog. Here I share tips for small businesses, copywriting tips, thoughts on marketing strategies, and fun ideas for growing your business.

I offer copywriting services for websites, digital marketing, print media, content marketing, and editing.

I'd love to hear how I can help build your

business better with words!

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