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  • Writer's picturelizafewellcopy


Updated: Jan 7, 2022

They do?? Well, not exactly. We don't SAVE lives in the literal sense, we aren't nurses and doctors after all, but we DO save you a TON of time so that you can have a LIFE!

As a business owner, you wear a lot of hats and you have a LOT of work to do. Of course, you don’t need me telling you that, you live it every day!

But, if you had to be honest with yourself, there are some parts of your job that you like more than others.

And if you had to be *really* honest with yourself, there are some parts of your job that you are better at than others. It’s ok, we all have our strengths and weakness.

My weakness is math… and also... lifting heavy things.

But my strengths as a copywriter are listening, learning, and communicating.

So, how does that help you live your life? Well, we copywriters can take some of the responsibilities OFF of your shoulders so that you have more time to concentrate on the parts of the business you love doing.

Let us help you with the research & development of effective messaging for your business. We love that kind of nerdy stuff!

We want to dig into why your emails aren’t working or why your Facebook Ads just aren't grabbing attention and driving sales.

Copywriters would also love to help you develop something NEW for your business!

Do you need a landing page for a new product or a sales letter for potential clients? Let a copywriter get to it! We would love nothing more than to brainstorm with you and create a piece of writing that accomplishes all of your goals!

Do you know what the best part is? After you walk away from a Kick-Off call with your copywriter, you can get back to doing the things you LOVE doing for your business without worrying about the copy for your project. You get your life back!

See? Copywriters really do save lives- by giving YOURS back to YOU!

So, do you have a project that could use a copywriter to save you time and stress?

Let me know! I'm happy to help. Discovery calls are always FREE!

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