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Spec-Ad Email Newsletter: Samuel & Jessica Cookware

Copywriting Challenge:

Design and rewrite an email newsletter for Samuel & Jessica Cookware (fake name) to re-introduce their "Classic White Cookware Collection" (real product). 


Target Audience: Busy, middle-class parents who want to make cooking healthy meals easier, tastier, and faster. 


Copy: Use a benefit-driven subject line to grab attention and an informative snippet to pique interest. Use a conversational tone to connect with parents and position their tips and cookware as the solution to creating easy, healthy meals. 


Design: Use an easy-to-skim layout and clickable links to make reading easy. Use a clean, white palette and bright colorful pictures to showcase food in the cookware. 


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From: Sam & Jessie

Subject: Now Prep Your Meals in Classic Whites!

Snippet: Classic White is Back & Meal Prep Tips for the New Year

Body: Newsletter.

Email Newsletter.png

Original Email Newsletter

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