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Can You Grow Your Business With Just One Word?

Ahh, February. The month that kills everyone’s New Year’s goals. Unless, of course, you didn’t set any. Which camp are you in? The "goal setter’s" or the "no goal setter’s"?

I’m in the latter one.

I’ve always been terrible at setting goals, especially those SMART goals that everyone raves about. I know they're important for personal and professional development, but I've never been able to make them happen in any meaningful way.

Here’s why.

SMART goals take time to set up properly and require lots of discipline to make them work.

Uggh! I don’t know about you, but the stress of setting them up correctly and keeping track of them throughout the year makes me want to throw in the towel before I even begin.

So, when I came across the idea of choosing a WORD for the year instead setting SMART goals (thanks, Filthy Rich Writer!), I jumped at the opportunity! That sounded like something I could do!

How does it work? It's simple.

Claim a word for the year and use it to attain your goals.

By choosing one WORD that points to your overall goal, you can be motivated by that word even on the hardest of days. No complicated planning, measuring, tracking, or recalibrating; just use your WORD to keep moving toward your goal.

It worked like magic for me, and it can for you too.

Here's how I used it in 2022 when I started my business in the middle of a health crisis.

I wrote down everything I needed to do and thought, "What word would help me accomplish all of these goals?"

  1. Learn a new skill set.

  2. Repurpose previous knowledge.

  3. Set up a business & website.

  4. Network.

  5. Take care of my health and my family.

  6. Grow my business

I noticed that they all involved taking decisive actions that would push me into new territory. So, I would need a word that could help me get out of my comfort zone, repeatedly.

I chose the word "STEP."

Step out of the old.

Step into the new.

Step past fear.

Step into success.

Step past resistance.

Step into growth.

That word became my mantra as I faced fears in my professional and personal life. Each time I stepped past a fear or brushed myself off, I grew more confident and inched closer to my goals. Success!!

My word for the year helped me so much in 2022 that I decided to do it again.

But this year, I wanted a word that would help me grow in more intentional ways, so I picked...

(have you guessed it yet?)...

My INTENTION is to grow my business BIGGER and my health STRONGER.

My INTENTION is to make my finances and life more STABLE as a result of that GROWTH.

However, INTENTION is nothing without ACTION, so I chose 3 ACTIONS to keep me moving forward throughout the year.

Dedicate more time and attention to my business to help it grow.

▶️ More Networking

▶️ More Pitching

▶️ More Follow-Up

▶️ More Follow-Through

Educate myself further in copywriting, branding, social media, and marketing strategy to help me and my clients.

▶️ Books

▶️ Digital Tools

▶️ Podcasts

Shine a spotlight on people who inspire me and become an inspiration to others through my work.

▶️ Social Media Platform

▶️ Networking Group

▶️ Blog

So, what do you think, friends? Can one word GROW your business?

Why not give it a try?

What WORD will help you meet all of your goals by giving you focus and direction? Let me know so that I can help you succeed!

Let's grow your business with words this year!

Welcome to my blog. I share tips for small businesses, copywriting tips, thoughts on marketing strategies, and fun ideas for growing your business.

I offer copywriting services for websites, digital marketing, print media, content marketing, and editing.

I'd love to hear how I can help build your

business better with words!

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