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Reach Your 2022 Goals by NOT Ignoring Your Potential

It’s officially Mid-January, and the shiny, “newness” of the New Year is starting to fade. The holiday decorations are put away, the goals have been set, and now it’s time to dig in and find some energy to follow those 2022 Business Resolutions you set last week.

“But, wait!” You might say, “I don’t think I can actually achieve all those lofty goals I set for myself. That was January 1st me, not January 15th me. This me isn’t smart enough, skilled enough, or bold enough to accomplish anything! Ahh!”

First, take a deep breath. You don’t have to achieve ALL of your 2022 Goals today. You just have to start taking steps towards making them happen. And the first step you should take is Recognizing Your Own Potential!

Too often we have negative tracks running through our heads that stop us from believing in ourselves. Maybe that track was started by your parents or a teacher in middle school. Maybe, it was started by an old partner or ex-boss. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that they were wrong.

Not only do you have a LOT of potential, but you are also using that potential RIGHT NOW! How do I know this? Because I can almost guarantee that you are NOT in the same place where you were in life 10 or 20 years ago - emotionally, physically, or financially. Am I right? If so, then you have already made and achieved goals before. Therefore, you can do it again.

You have the POTENTIAL to do more.

Don’t let someone else’s negative talk take over your mind, your business, or your life. If you lose your belief in yourself then you lose control of your destiny. Yes, it sounds corny, but it's true.

When you don’t believe in yourself or in your potential, then other people’s judgments, opinions, and expectations of you become your guiding force instead of your own. It can become harder to recognize opportunities and make your own decisions because their voices are in your head telling you no.

Don’t let this happen to you! But if you think it might have already, you can change it now by recognizing your potential and utilizing it to your advantage.

How do you do that? You have to identify, embrace, and use your skills and talents to turn impossible into possible. Lean into your strengths, shore up your weaknesses, and outsource the rest! You can do this! You are stronger than you realize and more capable than you think.

Let's Find Your Potential!

  • What do you enjoy doing?

  • What are you good at?

  • What are you great at?

  • What’s in your unique background that no one else has?

  • What have you learned from previous mistakes?

  • What skills do you have that no one else does?

  • What skills can you improve?

  • What are you not good at that you can outsource?

Answering these questions will help you see your potential, but that is only the first step. Now, to take some risks, step outside your comfort zone, and see where your potential can take you!

Put That Potential Into Action!

  • Make That Phone Call

  • Send That Email

  • Pitch That Client

  • Take That Class

  • Outsource That Headache

  • Check That item Off Your List

That’s It. That is how you will do the things on your 2022 Resolutions List- recognizing your potential and taking one step at a time. Pat yourself on the back, you got this!

One more thing...if you need help with outsourcing copywriting or anything else on your list, let me know. True, I can only handle your copywriting needs, but I have friends in high places.

Well, I have friends in places that know things, anyway. From accounting and lawn care to cleaning and travel, I can connect you to the resources that you need to be successful.

Let’s Do This!

1 Comment

Gail McDaniel
Gail McDaniel
Jan 15, 2022

Great content. Thank you !

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