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When Life Hands You Lemons

...and other ways to launch a business.

In the spring of 2021, the writing was on the wall. By June, I knew it was over.

What would I do instead of teach ESL online at 4am every day and homeschool my children afterward?

What could I do for work while my health was rapidly falling apart?

Enter stage left: An ad from Filthy Rich Writer for the Comprehensive Writing Academy.

Write from home on my own schedule? And get paid for it?

Yes, please!

That led to starting my own business, joining a fantastic networking group, addressing my health, and landing a spotlight in ATLVoyage Magazine in February 2023.

Was it all rainbows and sparkles?

Well, you’ll just have to read the article in the magazine and find out for yourself.

Screen capture of online artcile from VoyageATL of "Exploring Life & Business with Liza Fewell of Hand-in-Hand Copy."

(click to read)

{Sorry, couldn’t help but stick the landing on that one!}

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to share my story, and I hope that it inspires others. I wouldn’t have gotten that particular spotlight if I hadn’t written a similar article for my chiropractor from the networking group and been nominated by her.

VoyageATL thought I would be a good fit for the magazine and asked me to answer their questions as an article for publication. {Happy dance!}

I jumped at the chance and then nominated a few other stellar candidates for a similar opportunity! Not only did it warm my heart to do so, but lifting others up is part of my 2023 Intention-Action Plan, which you can read about here.

Pay it forward, folks!

Moral of the story, when life hands you lemons, don’t make lemonade—make a new business that has nothing to do with lemons.

Then, make a round of drinks for everybody with those lemons, and watch the magic happen!

If you need a similar article written for yourself or your business, let me know—I’d be happy to help!

Welcome to my blog. I share tips for small businesses, copywriting tips, thoughts on marketing strategies, and fun ideas for growing your business.

I offer copywriting services for websites, digital marketing, print media, content marketing, and editing.

I'd love to hear how I can help build your

business BIGGER with words!


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