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What Is a Copywriter?

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Have you heard? I’ve got a new name & and a new career. I’m going to be a COPYWRITER! Wow! Great! What exactly is Copywriting, anyway? Go ahead, you can ask. I had to look it up too!

Textbook definition: Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action- such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation. This includes emails, newsletters, banner ads, brochures, fundraising letters, etc.

Hmmm, you might be thinking that seems kinda, well, “sales-y.” Yea, it sounded that way for me too - at first. So I did some more research about copywriting, and I changed my mind.

You see, copywriting is NOT about writing sales copy, it’s about HELPING business owners achieve their dreams. It’s about listening, researching, and planning. It’s about finding the right words to connect businesses to their customers. It's about building businesses with words.

Now, that’s something I could do. I love helping people... and I love writing!

So, what can I do for your business?

Does your business need emails with better subject lines to get them opened or more interesting product descriptions to get them sold? Do you need help writing your brochure or banner-ad so you have one less thing on your plate? Perhaps you need an “About Me” page that turns your unique story into a selling point of your brand?

I can help.

Let’s find your words.

Free 15-min Discovery Call

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