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  • Writer's picturelizafewellcopy

My Name is Not Barbara

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

After a long evening Christmas shopping in 2019, my hubby and I stopped for a quick cup of coffee at the local Barnes' and Noble. When the barista asked for my name, I told him to guess. You see, no one can ever seem to say my name correctly, much less spell it on a coffee cup. I'd already come to the point of giving fake names just so I didn't have to hear, "Leezah,"or, "Lysa," or, "Lisa," shouted out across the restaurant. No disrespect if those are your names, but they aren't mine.

"Who do you think I look like? " I asked him. "What name would you give me?"

He picked, Barbara.

Do I look like a Barbara to you?

I mean, don't get me wrong, Barbara is a wonderful name! I even have an Aunt Barbara (whom we call, Aunt B), but I don't think I look like a Barbara.

But, could I be one? What does that even mean?

Could I be someone different if I wanted to? If had to?

Who would be I be?

In August 2020, I was about to find out. My life would shift, and I would be forced to change who I thought I was. Could I do it? And what does that have to do with copywriting?

Stay tuned.....

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