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Avoid These 5 Copywriting Mistakes

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

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Now that you’ve read my post, “The 5 Best Tips for Writing for Your Business, you are armed and ready to write that email or ad copy for your business!

But, before you begin, you should also consider some common copywriting mistakes that businesses make so that you can avoid them.

Let's get started!

Mistake 1 - Focused Only on Website Copy

Yes, the copy on your website is extremely important, and there is going to be a LOT of it on there, but your website is NOT the only place you have copy.

Copy is ANY and ALL persuasive writing about your product/ service that entices people to take the action you want them to take - click, buy, call, share, etc.

You should think of every piece of content coming from your business as an opportunity to nurture your business-customer relationship.

Increase brand engagement, build trust, and develop loyalty.

You will be rewarded with repeat business and referrals.

Copy includes, but is NOT limited to:

  • Direct Emails & Email Funnels

  • Product Descriptions & FAQ Pages

  • Flyers, Post Cards, & Brochures

  • “About Me” Bios

  • Meta-tags & Title Tags

  • Tweets, Instagram Posts, & Facebook Updates

  • Videos & eBooks

  • Print Ads & Digital Ads

Mistake 2 - Overly Focused on Your Business

I get it. Really, I do. You are excited about your business and want to tell your potential customers all about it.

You want to tell them all the details of your history, your products, your services, the features and benefits. You want to impress them with YOU!*

But, what about your customer? Where are they in all of that information?

  • Why should they care about your backstory?

  • How does that feature make their lives easier?

  • Why are you better and how does that affect your client?

*Connect your story to your customers and they will be excited to be a part of it. No sales pitch needed.

Mistake 3-Your Writing is Too Complicated, Too Wordy, or Too Long!

Ok, you got over your fear of writing, and you banged out paragraph after paragraph for your website or brochure. Good for you!

Now, go back and look at what you wrote as if you were your ideal customer.

  • Is it clear and easy to understand?

  • Can you get your point across with fewer words?

Make sure you can catch their attention and give them the most important points before they lose focus and wander away.

Because once they wander, they might not come back.

Mistake 4 -Showcasing Features Rather than Benefits

This is a mistake that almost every business owner makes when talking about their product or service. It’s just natural to list out all the features and assume your job is done. It’s not.

Features are important, but they are NOT the whole story.

Tell them WHY or HOW a feature will enhance their lives so that they understand its full potential.

Get them excited about what it can do for them and they will easily say, "Yes!"

Mistake 5 - Forgetting a Call to Action

Look at you! You just did all this amazing writing & editing and you are ready to send it out into the world. Yay! Happy Dance!

Wait! Stop! One, more thing.....

Did you tell your customer what to do next?

Don't assume that they know. Tell them!

Make sure you should have a call-to-action on EVERY piece of copy you send out so that your potential customer will turn into an active client!

You just learned 5 Copywriting Tips and 5 Mistakes to Avoid. Now you are now ready to tackle your writing project! Woohoo! Go for it!

No? Not feeling ready? It’s okay, I can help! Just shoot me an email and let me know what you need help with!

We can set up a FREE Discovery Call to talk about your project, or I can provide a FREE 15-Minute Analysis of your Copy Project.

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