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A Day of Thanks

Although the history of Thanksgiving in America is not without warranted controversy, I like to take the day to be thankful for the people and blessings in my life -my family, my friends, my pets, the roof over my head, and the food in my belly.

I am also extremely grateful for the opportunity to start my own business helping other businesses by writing for them! How phenomenal is that?! So, on this day of thanks, I want to let business owners know what ALL copywriters are thankful for if you could ask them.

5 Things Business Owners Do That Copywriters are Thankful For!

#5 - They Have a Developed Brand Voice

If you are a business owner, and you know what this is, bless you! Having a strong Brand Voice that is consistent across all forms of media is a blessing to you, your business, and your copywriter!

Copywriters know that understanding your Brand Voice is essential before we begin any writing. This is so that everything we produce for you sounds like it comes from you. If you already have your Brand Voice & Tone Guide developed, then we can skip that step and jump right into your project!

If you don’t know what your Brand Voice is, just let me know and I can help! Tone Guide Development is one of my skills as a copywriter and it will help elevate your business above your competitors.

#4- They Have a Clear Vision of Their Business Goals

Every business needs to be clear on their mission and goals. Take my business for example, "My mission is to help your business grow by writing killer copy that attracts and retains clients by building trust through authenticity. My goal is increase your sales with words!"

When your mission is clear and your goals are well developed, copywriters can better develop messaging that will help you achieve those goals. If your business goals and objectives aren't clear, don’t worry, I can help with that too! It’s all a part of our Discovery Call and Kick-Off planning meeting.

#3 -They Know Their Customers

This one seems obvious, but not every business owner really knows their customers. They may think they do when they say, "My customer is anyone who needs my product/service.” But what does that really mean? Who is your ideal customer? What are they thinking & feeling? What makes them happy or scared?

Why does that matter? It matters because we need to know how they think and feel in order to choose the words that they will respond to. We want to deliver your message in a way that compels them to take the actions you want them to take!

If you need help understanding your target audience better, I am happy to help you with that on our Project Kick-Off call as well.

#2- They Have a Graphic Designer

Oh, Happy Day! If you already have a graphic designer on-staff or on-call, then you know how important one is to your business and we don't have to waste time trying to convince you of their value. We also don't have to waste time looking for Graphic Designer for you - yours is there ready to get started right away. You have just saved your copywriter tons of time and stress! Thank you!

The #1 Thing We are Thankful For...They Hired a Copywriter!

Ok, you saw this one coming, didn’t you? Of course you did! You know how important good copywriting is for your business and you hired one of us to help you do it well! THANK YOU!

We copywriters just want to help business owners like you achieve their goals and dreams. I know it sounds corny, but it’s true. Yes, we need copywriting jobs to pay the bills, but we could do other jobs to make money (and we have), but the one we love best is writing for businesses like yours! So, let's get started!

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