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6 Resolutions for Your Small Business for 2022

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Happy New Year! Congratulations on making it through another year of the pandemic! Seriously, if you are still standing, and your business still has its doors open, YOU should congratulate yourself!

It has not been an easy run for most people, and it looks like 2022 is already shaping up to be another tough, pandemic year.

However, despite the difficulties that we will surely face this year, I know that there will be many wonderful moments of joy and celebration too.

One way to ensure that you will definitely have something to celebrate at the end of the year is to set some important goals for your business now. These 6 Resolutions will help revive, refresh, and reenergize your business for 2022. Let’s get started!


6 New Year’s Resolutions for Small Businesses

1. Review & Refresh Your Business Plan

Take your business plan off the shelf, print out some copies, and sit down with your team members over coffee and donuts.

  • Review your mission statement, value statement, and your goals and objectives.

  • Did you do meet all of last year’s goals?

  • What needs to change for this year?

  • Does your mission statement need updating?

Re-energize your team by getting everyone up to date on the game plan and excited to meet the new goals!

2. Streamline Tasks

While your team is together, take a look at all the tasks that are performed on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis.

  • What tasks can be combined?

  • Which are outdated and can be eliminated?

  • What tasks can be made faster with new software or apps?

Reduce stress and free up time for yourself and your employees for bigger projects.

3. Outsource or Delegate

Now that you’ve looked at all the tasks that can be streamlined, decide which tasks can be outsourced. What tasks make everyone grumble and keep them away from doing the jobs they do well and enjoy?

  • Cleaning?

  • Marketing?

  • Accounting?

  • Copywriting? (hint, hint)

Find someone outside your company to take on those tasks so that you will all have more time for the jobs you are good at. Everyone will thank you!

4. Refresh Your Website & Marketing

Take a look at your website, social apps, and all of your marketing materials. Make sure that everything is up-to-date and working hard for you and your business.

  • What needs updating? Look at pictures, descriptions, sales, and contact info.

  • Check on your advertising campaigns. Is it time to stop or start a new Facebook or Instagram Ad? Maybe try something new?

  • What worked well last year and what needs to be updated or eliminated altogether? Make sure every dollar spent is earning you customers and business!

This is another excellent opportunity for streamlining and outsourcing.

5. Network More

If you haven’t already, join a networking group in your area. Standard advertising tactics and customer word-of-mouth can only go so far in building your business. A networking group is great for passing on client referrals AND sharing resources such as graphic designers, copywriters, and accountants.

Networking groups come in so many shapes and sizes that you are sure to find more than one that is a good fit for you.

  • Facebook Groups

  • LinkedIn Groups

  • Local Chamber of Commerce

  • Specialty Groups - Virtual & In-Person

6. Learn Something New

This can be a personal goal as a business owner, or a team goal for your business. Think beyond updating certifications- which need to be done anyway. Get creative and look for ways to add new skills, lift company morale, or encourage creativity.

If you want to get your whole team involved, make it a competition and offer prizes for meeting certain goals. Have fun!

  • Certifications in adjacent skillsets

  • Classes - online or in-person

  • Webinars or Seminars

  • Books

There you have it! Six goals for 2022. There are a lot of other goals that could easily be added to this list, but if you start with these 6 Resolutions, you are well on your way to a Happy New Year for your Business.

P.S. If you decide to outsource any of your writing tasks, you can always contact your friendly, neighborhood copywriter for a FREE consultation!

I look forward to helping YOU reach your 2022 Business Goals this year!


Jan 07, 2022

Fantastic ideas! Thank you!

Jan 07, 2022
Replying to

I'm so glad you found them helpful! You're going to kill it this year! Congrats!

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