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5 Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Business in 2022

Woman on a cell phone, looking at a tablet. Overlay image of white dots and icons for digital media.

We all know that marketing is the key to growing any business. The wonderful thing about marketing is that there are so many ways to reach your customers, and new ideas are brewing all the time.

The troublesome thing about marketing is that there are so many ways to reach your customers and new ideas are brewing all the time. To quote an old maxim, "Marketing is a double-edged sword." OK, maybe that’s not a real maxim— but it should be!

The trends for marketing in 2022 are numerous. Some online magazines list more than 22 new trends to pay attention to in 2022. Woah! I don’t know about you, but I think that’s too many to focus on! While your specific business type and budget will largely determine which trends you might look into this year, I narrowed down the list to 5 ideas worthy of deeper investigation to kick things off.

So, in no particular order, let’s get started. Oh, and don’t forget to check out the Bonus Tip at the end. It’s not digital, but it is vital for a strong, thriving business in 2022 and beyond!

Digital Marketing sign on a computer screen surrounded by desk supplies.


Video Content Marketing is a fantastic way to educate, inspire, or entertain your audience. When it comes to communication, nothing is more powerful than video. Why? Because it utilizes several important methods of communication at once: visuals, audio, motion, and story. It is a potent combination that is sure to grab your customer’s attention and hold it longer than anything else.

Woman opening up a white crafting supply cabinet and table.

Quick Stats

  • 87% of Marketers Use Video

  • 93% Say it is a Critical Part of Marketing

  • 49% Increase in Revenue VS Non-Video

  • 34% Increase in Conversion Rates

There are many types of videos you can create to connect with your audience— and there are even more ways to record, edit, and share them. How do you know where to start?

When shaping your video campaign, you should always consider your goal, audience, message, and platform.

Planning Your Video

1. Determine Your Goal: Do you want to educate, inspire, or entertain? What action do you want them to take? Do you want to increase sales or build brand loyalty?

2. Define Your Audience: To whom are you speaking? New or current clients? Broad audience or niche market? Business colleagues or employees? Etc.

3. Clarify Your Message: What is the most important thing you want your audience to know? What feeling do you want to leave them with? What are the next steps?

4. Deliver Message: Where does your audience watch videos most often? How will they access this video? How can they share it?

Video Types



Video Software

• Live Video • Vlogs • Short Form • Webinars Social • Media Stories • Animated • AR/VR • User-Generated Content • Brand Advocates • Shoppable Videos

  • Instructional/ How-To

  • Demos

  • Reviews & Testimonials

  • Product/Service Teasers

  • Behind the scenes

  • Inspirational Stories

  • Personal Message

  • Brand Story

  • Brand Challenge

  • Influencer Ads


Podcasts are a wonderful way to build a community within your market OR reach a new audience altogether. They are designed to educate and inspire while being entertaining. They are NOT designed to sell anything— this, perhaps, is their greatest appeal.

Black woman talking into a microphone while reading from a notepad.

There are many options for developing content for your Podcasts. Your show could be free-form or scripted. If you go the scripted route, let me know! Scriptwriting is one of the services I offer!

Get creative and look for ways to build connections that will create share-worthy stories. Allow your customers to become active participants in your story through questions, suggestions, and live-chat options. You could also invite special guests or interview employees and customers for a truly unique experience.

There are many things to consider when building your podcast, I've gathered a few tips for you in the table below. If you want a more detailed list, packed full of tips and resources, check out these guides from BuzzSprout and WordPress. Have fun!

Content Ideas

8 Main Steps

• Informational • Demos Reviews & Testimonials • Product/Service Teasers • Behind the Scenes • Inspirational Stories • Personal Message • Brand Story • Brand Challenge

1. Clarify Your Goal, Audience, Message 2. Determine Type of Podcast 3. Hire Professionals 4. Purchase/Rent Recording Equipment 5. Editing Software 6. Develop Artwork & Marketing Tactics 7. Submit Your Podcast to Major Directories 8. Launch & Market Your Podcast


Curiosity-driven content is highly effective at engaging audiences in the form of quizzes, surveys, or interactive tools. When you provide an experience that empowers and entertains as it educates, your audience will feel like you understand their problems and are offering solutions to their challenges.

Interactive content in marketing increases audience engagement and builds brand loyalty. Statistics show that 93% of marketers feel that interactive content is more effective in educating buyers than static content. Don’t get left behind!

Interactive Ideas

  • Quizzes

  • Games

  • Surveys/Polls

  • Infographics

  • Maps

  • Calculators

  • Webinars

  • eBooks


Although video conferencing was a thing before the 2020 Shut-Down, it certainly became a more important thing after! As the pandemic continues to vacillate between, "Nearly Gone," and, "Roaring Back," hybrid events have become the new way to handle a variety of work and social activities.

Blending an in-person meet-up with online video access is a wonderful way to accommodate three important things at once: 1-The safety concerns of meeting during a pandemic, 2-The joys of meeting in person, and 3- The ability to market the event to more people.

If you are considering hosting an in-person workshop, mixer, conference, or entertainment event, consider live streaming it and recording it as well.

7 Main Steps for Hybrid Event Planning

  1. Goal of Event

  2. Audience

  3. Type of Event

  4. Video, Sound, Streaming Service

  5. Fee or No Fee (for both the in-person and online portions)

  6. Access to Live Stream or Recorded Event

  7. Publicity

Tip! Don’t forget that the links to access the event (live or recorded) can be great Lead Magnets for your website! Ask me how!

#5 Augmented Reality (AR)

You have probably heard of Virtual Reality, but have you heard of Augmented Reality? While it's not an entirely new concept, it’s becoming an increasingly useful marketing tool for many businesses.

Augmented Reality Apps use a cell phone’s camera to view the world and then overlay enhanced 3D pictures or data on top of what’s on your screen. In other words, it enhances or augments, the reality around you.

One of its many draws is that it can be accessed through a smartphone rather than through specialized equipment that needs to be worn on the head.

Augmented Reality view of furniture in a living room. An assortment of chairs, couches, and tables are shown blinking on and off screen. and tables are
Image by: Giphy

So, what can AR do for your business? Well, that depends on what you do.

AR Apps can be used to see objects in 3D in your space or on your body. How cool would it be to virtually try-on shoes and clothing without leaving the house? Businesses that sell services or provide experiences, can use AR to give you the impression of walking through or being in those spaces.

If developing an App is not in your budget, you can provide an AR experience through the use of QR codes. The code links to a website showing 3D models of your product, space, or event. Your customer can move the objects in 360° rotation, or scroll down the hallway of your building.

There are a million ideas for the application of AR across multiple industries, and the ideas are growing every day. An AR specialist can help you decide the best way to enhance your product for the best user-friendly experience.

AR Application Ideas

Camera view of a cobble stone street and stone buildings. Camera view adds Augmented Reality to image with labels and directions..
Augmented Reality Street Map by
  • Maps, Guides, Manuals

  • Product Demos

  • Fashion & Furniture

  • Hybrid Events

  • Education

  • Medicine & Science

  • Technology

  • Construction

  • Architecture


Although this trend is not digital, I just could not leave it out because it is so important. Inclusivity & Representation is on the rise everywhere. Finally! Yay!!

If it's not already a part of your business and marketing plan, it should be!

The principles and applications of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusiveness in your company don’t just make your brand more relevant, they make it stronger. Now, who doesn't want that?

Look at every person in every role at your business, examine all your marketing materials, and ask yourself, "Who’s There? Who’s Missing? What Can We Do Better?" Changes everywhere begin with changes somewhere. You can be that somewhere!


Wow! We converted a lot of ground today — can you believe there are at least 17 other Marketing Trends we didn't even touch? There are some really brilliant people out there innovating better ways to connect you digitally to your customers every day. Therefore, I'm sure we'll see even more ideas develop as 2022 progresses.

If you found any of the trends covered today interesting to you, let me know! I would love to help you develop a script for your marketing videos or podcasts, develop your lead magnet, or develop product descriptions for your AR/3D products and services.

Let's Make Marketing Magic, Together!

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